As I sit here in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, the washing machine whirling in the background, I can’t help but have a smile spread across my face. We’ve done it! 3 months in and we are comfortably settled in our life in Ireland. I feel like our trip last week during mid-term break to Italy was a reward for surviving this journey (so far). And this morning – just crazy! Everyone was up on time and ready about 10 minutes early. Unbelievable! I think the kids are finally getting it too. You gotta lay your clothes out the night before and have your sports’ bags ready along with the LEAP card ready to go. It makes for such an easy morning. No squabbling about the bathroom and who needed to get in to shower, brush teeth, poop (yes, with one bathroom we have become VERY open about bodily habits) and no complaints about eggs for breakfast. I think the kids even realize that we have to reset our bodies from the delicious, decadent food we ate last week in Italy.
It’s time
I have been debating how many different ways we should be capturing this year and I am done procrastinating. I am writing. Whatever it becomes, whatever it is, whoever reads it, I know at least it will be a memory for our kids and probably the best type of therapy for me. I am going to start now and I go back and touch on all the events of the past three months. I hope you will follow along with our crazy family adventure. I am encouraged by all the Facebook comments from people who have shared that they love living vicariously through us and seeing parts of the world, they haven’t seen before.
Please spread the joy and share this site.
I promise it will:
- put a smile on your face,
- make you laugh out loud at times,
- cringe with disgust at what we might be eating,
- understand exactly when you listen to me vent about clothes left on the floor for the 10th time,
- but most importantly, realize that wherever you are in the world, we all share similar stories. Whether you are doubting a tough decision, overcome with joy when you see your child succeed or feel inadequate because you just can’t get it all done. It’s ok. We’re just human and as my husband is trying to do with food . . .
We just need to live like humans again.
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