I may have started off as a South Jersey, field hockey playing vegetarian, but I am now a proud Maryland Eastern-shore, crab-picking, red-meat eating, techy, Momma of three. You can often find me taking pictures behind a camera, working in the garden, cleaning up the kitchen after one of Bill’s “research” projects, driving the kids to/from training, or my primary job – using computers to help students learn. I am totally on the opposite end of the technology spectrum from Bill, but I think that’s what makes our relationship so dynamic. He practices primitive technology by making stone tools, but I use educational technology to help people – specifically those with disabilities – access learning. I guess we are really alike since we both use tools to accomplish a task . . . mine just need to be plugged in!!
Follow our adventures at @themodernstoneagefamily and @modernstoneagemomma
Our slice of heaven in County Maigheo, Ireland 2 weeks on an island in the Delaware River for Bill’s dissertation Our little babies If only we remember this conversation On her happy hike from Grey to Braystone in Ireland Capturing a moment in the kitchen