Thursday, October 3, 2019
5:30pm – 7:00pm
- 6142 Country Club Drive
- Easton, MD, 21601
- United States
Eastern Shore Food Lab Director Bill Schindler will present the second talk in Washington College’s 2019 lecture series in Talbot County on Oct. 3 with a discussion about the failures of the modern food industry and how to more safely and thoughtfully feed ourselves.
The talk at Talbot Country Club, “Empty Plates: How the toxic modern food industry robs us of real nutrition,” begins at 6 p.m. Co-sponsored by Washington College and Talbot Country Club, it is open to the public for a fee of $15, which includes a reception that begins at 5:30 p.m.
Schindler, an anthropology professor at WC and an international expert on primitive technologies and experimental archaeology, is the founder and director of the Eastern Shore Food Lab at Washington College, a news release states.
“His work focuses on gaining a comprehensive understanding of our ancient dietary past and our diverse dietary present to create meaningful change to our food system. As an archaeologist, food anthropologist and chef, his approach spans work on two-million-year-old archaeological sites in Africa and prehistoric sites in Ireland, to ethnographic fieldwork with traditional communities from the jungles of Thailand to the Altiplano of Bolivia,” the release states.
Schindler’s perspective on food will prompt attendees to rethink everything they knew about healthy eating and see the modern food industry in a whole new light, the release states. This presentation may educate and empower listeners to take the first steps toward reconnecting with their diet and health.
All events are at 6142 Country Club Drive, Easton, Maryland. The $15 fee pays for the reception and admittance, and is payable by credit card or check to Talbot Country Club at the event. Washington College is not accepting payments. RSVP to reserve a spot by contacting Victoria Corcoran at 410-778-7805 or [email protected].
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