At the Modern Stone Age Kitchen, we have a strict policy against serving black tea. Why? Because it contains an incredibly high level of oxalates—more than any other tea—which can contribute to kidney stones and other metabolic issues. But we know many of our customers want a bold, caffeinated alternative, and for a long time, we struggled to find one that met our standards.
That is, until now.
A Forgotten Tradition Rediscovered
Despite my 42 years of foraging, it never crossed my mind that the answer was growing just a few states away. I first encountered yaupon holly decades ago while foraging on a trip to the Outer Banks. I knew of its deep history among Native American tribes, particularly its use in the ceremonial “Black Drink” of the Cherokee and other indigenous peoples. But I never truly appreciated its potential as a daily beverage—until now.
What Is the Cherokee “Black Drink”?
For centuries, Native Americans brewed a strong tea from the leaves of Ilex vomitoria, the only naturally caffeinated plant native to North America. The “Black Drink” played a significant role in religious and social rituals, used in ceremonies, debates, and battle preparations. The Latin name Ilex vomitoria comes from early European explorers who observed indigenous people drinking the tea in large quantities and then purging—an intentional practice for spiritual cleansing.
Of course, yaupon tea won’t make you vomit! That misconception has unfairly overshadowed its remarkable health benefits. Yaupon is closely related to yerba mate and offers a smooth, jitter-free caffeine boost thanks to its combination of caffeine, theobromine, and other natural stimulants. And best of all—it’s completely oxalate-free.
Why We’re Serving Yaupon Tea
Yaupon isn’t just a caffeine source; it’s packed with polyphenols, saponins, and antioxidants that support metabolic health, cardiovascular function, and inflammation reduction. Unlike black tea, which can contribute to metabolic imbalances, yaupon aligns with our mission to serve only foods that nourish the body.
A New (Yet Ancient) Brew at Modern Stone Age Kitchen
With its deep-rooted history, unique flavor, and wealth of health benefits—including jitter-free energy, antioxidants, and zero oxalates—yaupon tea is a perfect alternative to black tea. It’s the only naturally caffeinated plant native to North America, and now, you can enjoy it right here at the Modern Stone Age Kitchen. Whether you’re looking for a morning pick-me-up or a nourishing ritual steeped in tradition, this ancient brew is ready to become your new favorite. Come in and give it a try!
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