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From creating your own sourdough mother culture to mixing, fermenting, shaping, scoring and baking your own loaves – you will learn how to manipulate time, temperature, and the wild bacteria all around you to create naturally leavened, long fermented bread in the same way our ancestors did for thousands of years. Come and learn how easily it is to make the most nutrient-dense and digestible bread ever created!
Elaine Locati
Dear “Cave People”….This cave person, (me) is very intersted in finding out how to make the sourdough bread you described in this article. Ive been using almond flour under the impression that it is better than regular wheat flours. I have been following Dr. Pompa’s regimen for diet, toxin removal and other protocols. He recently had a guest speaker, Ben Azadi who described the dangers of ingesting almonds, and almond flours, etc. In finding your website after looking up the defintion of oxalates in food items, I am happy to say I will be waiting to hear from you and become acquainted with your products, advice and recipes.
Elaine Locati from Montana
Hi! Yes, we do not use any almond flour in our products due to the high level of oxalates. All of our sourdough recipes are in Bill’s book – Eat Like a Human – that you can order an autographed copy off our site. And we make them all in our restaurant/bakery, the Modern Stone Age Kitchen, in Chestertown, MD. You should take a road trip!